Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Meet Carolyn Arnold, Author of the New Thriller ELEVEN

I love a good thriller, and this week I'm excited to help launch the latest book by Carolyn Arnold, ELEVEN which appropriately debuted on 11-11-11. Welcome Carolyn!

Tell us a little about your background and something interesting about yourself.

As a teenager I wanted to complete a full length novel and even wrote to Harlequin for their submission guidelines.  But it wasn’t until four years ago I completed my first novel.  Since then I have written a total of seven novels in various genres – romantic suspense, mystery, thriller and suspense.

I got married at the age of nineteen to my best friend and to date have been happily married to him for fifteen and a half years.  Children terrify us so we’re canine parents to two beagles – a male and female named Max and Chelsea.

What is one of your favorite books and why?

I don’t know if I could pick just one.  Basically, I love most David Baldacci and Sandra Brown novels.

Why did you decide to write this book?

I decided to write ELEVEN because I love the television series “Criminal Minds”.  I also love to read novels with intrigue that I can figure out as the story moves along.  Inspired by my favorite authors – Baldacci and Brown – I wanted to try something darker than my previous works.

What was your experience like with self-publishing?

Self-publishing has been an interesting and exciting journey.  There are moments when you wonder if you have what it takes, if you made the right decision, but at this point I am certain I have.

I’ve also learned many things along the way, and continue to. Some I’ve stumbled over, but I believe it’s always important to grow and keep moving forward.

How have you marketed your book?

Most of my marketing is through social networking sites, and blog appearances such as this one.  I also picked up some good tips from those in the industry that have been successful.

What advice would you give to other authors?

Keep writing, and do so even on those days when your voice of self-doubt is screaming at you. 

Please provide a favorite excerpt from your book.

I have a few but they contain spoilers.  However, here is one passage I’m rather proud of.  It follows the discovery of the room where the victims were killed:

An ominous silence enveloped the room as if we were all absorbed in contemplating our mortality.  The human reaction to death and uncertainty, of wanting to know but not wanting the answers, of sympathy for those lost yet relief that it wasn’t us.

The first chapter of ELEVEN can be read on my website.

I really enjoyed the first chapter! Where can readers find you and your book?

Readers can connect with me in the following places:






ELEVEN is available from Amazon in print and for Kindle.

Thanks for joining us today Carolyn! It's been a pleasure getting to know you!


  1. Kathy, thank you for having me as part of my tour for Eleven.

  2. Nice interview. Sounds like a good book.

  3. Kathy asked some great questions. Thank you Georgia.
